Monday, September 16, 2013

The Healthiest Fruits in the World

anationofmoms dot com

We all know that fruits contain vitamins and nutrients that are beneficial to the body . Each type of fruit and of course have properties different vitamin content , all of which are very good for our bodies . Well of all these fruits are at least 6 of the most useful pieces

1 . cantaloupe

If you often feel uncomfortable in the stomach can be caused by the accumulation of gas in the intestines . Try to eat cantaloupe juice . Cantaloupe contained in natural sugars and enzymes that can help us so that the absorption in the gut pains and bloating teratasi.Apalagi month of fasting will definitely like these are definitely loads of eating cantaloupe .

2 . Apricot

Fruits are small and yellow , contain many substances that good for our health because it contains no fat at all . It contains many vitamins , minerals and fiber needed by our body . Primarily to the heart because the content of beta carotenes be good protective for the heart . Apricot can also be a source of natural sugar .

3 . avocado

Fruit are quite familiar in Indonesian society . For those of you who are less weight can increase the consumption of avocados because this fruit is a fruit that is rich in fat. Be careful that too much will cause obesity . The content of " good fats " , fiber and potassium make avocado has the ability to prevent various diseases such as hypertension and excess cholesterol .

4 . raisins

The fruit is avoided by many people because it is a bit strange , but it can help raisins red blood cell formation . Even fruit is also proven to help prevent anemia and maximize blood clots during freezing injury . Noteworthy is the sweetness that arises because of the high sugar content while eating .

5 . Cranberry
Good disinfectant to prevent urinary tract infections . This is due to the content in the cranberries stop bacteria sticking around the area of ​​the urethra and bladder . Consumed in the form of regular cranberry juice , and juice are also easily found on the market . You need to consider is the sugar contained in the juice packaging alone .

6 . raspberries

This fruit contains fiber which is very high . 123 grams of raspberries has more fiber than whole wheat bread 4 handfuls ! 1 raspberry fruit contains only 1 calorie , no need to bother with measuring scales .


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